Erielhonan Lodge to host Section C-4A Conclave
Post date: Sep 8, 2017 6:53:37 PM
Arrowmen from all over eastern Ohio and northern West Virginia will gather at Beaumont Scout Reservation on May 18-20, 2018 for the Section C-4A Conclave.
As the host lodge, Erielhonan Lodge will welcome brothers from Marnoc, Sipp-O and Onandaga lodges for a weekend of fellowship, fun, outdoor adventure, ceremonies, shows and undoubtedly great food. Our lodge leadership is working with section officers and advisers to make the 2018 Conclave one of epic adventure and fun.
Erielhonan will also be the service lodge, assisting Arrowmen with parking, directions around camp, cooking and cleaning, onsite logistics, and technology. Every member of Erielhonan is asked to sign up to help out, as many hands make light work.
Watch this site for more Conclave news as it is revealed over the next few months. To sign up for one of Erielhonan Lodge's Conclave committees, contact Conclave Host Lodge Chair Quentin K. and Adviser Mr. Phil Williams at