
Erielhonan Lodge accepts lodge dues payments online. 

Lodge Dues are:

2025: https://scoutingevent.com/440-Dues2025

As a reminder, the Order of the Arrow lodge flap you wear on your uniform indicates you are a "current" dues-paying member of Scouting's National Honor Society. The biggest reason to pay dues is to remain an active member of our Order. As an active member, you have the opportunity to become a Brotherhood or Vigil Honor member, attend events, help with Lodge service projects, run for chapter or Lodge officer positions, and enjoy additional opportunities within the Lodge. 

Your lodge also supports many other activities that are part of our mission to provide service to others. For instance, your dues are used to build and maintain ceremonial outfits, pay for camp improvements, and support other programs.

To be considered for selection for the Vigil Honor Class of 2025, members must be 2025 Dues Paid.

Thank you in advance for supporting your lodge and council!