Happenings Upon the Hilltop
Post date: May 27, 2021
While Conclave 2020 had to go virtual because of the pandemic, Conclave 2021 was live and in person! 80 members of our lodge gathered with almost 200 members of the seven other lodges in our section at Seven Ranges Scout Reservation in Kensington, Ohio, for this year's Hilltop Happenings Conclave.
The program began Friday evening with gathering games like gaga ball and nine square in the air followed by an opening show and topped with socially distant roasting of marshmallows for smores. Saturday started off with training sessions on topics such as the Elangomat experience, leading excellent ceremonies, the art of advising, a social media roundtable, and a keynote by the National Vice Chief...many of which were taught by members of our lodge! The afternoon was full of activities like a video game truck, slip & slide kickball, a gaga ball competition, t-shirt tie dying, t-shirt screen printing, hikes, and a dunk tank.
After dinner, the section held its annual elections where our very own Evan Richwalsky was elected Section Chief! The evening wrapped up with a closing show where several awards were presented, including these presented to our lodge:
Best Pre-Ordeal Ceremony
Best Brotherhood Ceremony
ICE (Inductions and Ceremony Evaluations) Award
Man Mile Award
Outstanding Lodge Award
Three lodge members were recognized for receiving section OA High Adventure scholarships: Izzy Bardzilauskas, Jacob W, and Joseph W. Past Lodge Adviser Joe Wollet was also presented with the section's Silver Arrowhead Award.