Vigil Weekend 2019 Recap
Post date: Jun 17, 2019 12:04:51 AM
Warm temperatures and clear skies set the stage for this year’s Vigil Weekend at Firelands Scout Reservation. Dozens of current Vigil Honor members joined ten of this year’s candidates for their service project and overnighter.
This year’s Vigil class voted to make benches for our council camps. With the assistance of skilled woodworkers like Larry Andrews, the team cut all the 2x2s, 2x4s, and 4x6s they needed for their bench design.
Upon completing as many benches at the afternoon hours allowed, everyone gathered for a filling dinner before preparing for the evening activities. Evening ceremonies began as the sun set and with the sunrise, Vigil Honor candidates became Vigil Honor members. Family members, guests, and fellow Scouters joined those already at camp for a delicious breakfast and celebration.
Congratulations to Erielhonan Lodge’s newest Vigil Honor Members:
John Boksansky ~ Machque Mawenemen ~ Bear Who Unites
Adam Bryski ~ Leke Elangomellan ~ Steadfast Friend
Kaleb C. ~ Ika Ntatu Mechelgik Ntaxesem ~ Wearer of Many Skins
Sean Fahnestock ~ Nkeme Mikemosu Kumhokunk ~ He Who Works in the Clouds
Caden H. ~ Kikinhet Nkekeleksi ~ He Who Guides With Laughter
Evan R. ~ Nikanixit Naxisemes ~ Leader of Young Brothers
Roger Simpson ~ Ulhatenamu Hemptet Ehashentesit ~ Cheerful Cloth Trader
Nathan S. ~ Schachachgelendam Pemtunhet ~ Determined Speaker
Steve Volk ~ Gischelenclamen Amangi Tkuwe ~ He Who Makes Big Waves
Steve Wysong ~ Anatschiton Mexelkik ~ One Who Cares for Many People
Thank you to all of the Vigil sponsors as well for their support throughout the weekend!
(Photos courtesy of Christy Howard—thank you!!)